Conservation Committee
April 25, 2002

James Finn - Chairman (Excused)
Tom Seniow - Vice-Chairman
Christie Davis - Secretary
Gerry Capron - Member
Cherie Howell - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member
Pamela Skinner - Member (Excused)
Dianna Fallon - Alternate
Theresa Lucas - Alternate
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate (Excused)

Minutes were approved with the flowing exception. The commission had a lengthy discussion concerning Conservation Commission writing a letter to NHDOT prior to the submission of the Selectman proposal for I-93 mitigation. During this discussion Ms. Linowes requested that the Conservation Commission refrain from submitting any communication to NHDOT until discussion with the Selectman. Mr. Capron motioned to accept the April 11, 2002 minutes. Ms. Davis seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Alternate Appointments
For this meeting, Theresa Lucas was appointed to replace Pam Skinner, Dianna Fallon replaced Jim Finn.

Planning Board Plans
Case 1. Lot #9-A-1901+ 9-A-1902
Presenter: Joe Maynard of Benchmark Engineering
Kendall Pond Road & Magnolia Road
Lot Line Relocation Plan
These two parcels have been replatted, which necessitated a new subdivision review. The commission recommended the following:

  • Wetlands will be flagged prior to construction and occupancy.
  • A memo to homeowner will be sent by builder to notify owner of wetland restrictions.

Case 2. H&B Homes
Presenter: Joe Maynard of Benchmark Engineering
Hadleigh Woods Estates - Elderly Housing
Proposed Site Grading for Staging Area

Mr. Maynard asked if the Dredge & Fill letter from Conservation Commission had been sent. The Chairman, Mr. Finn and staff support Pat Kovolyan were excused for this meeting so Mr. Maynard was told to call the office on Tuesday, April 30 to check on the status. The area in question is lot 3-B-200. The staging area is not part of the Elderly Housing development site plan. The area in question is off Rt. 28. Five acres in total with two acres used to develop Bissell Camp Road, and an acre and one half used for stockpiling the gravel from blasting to create the road. Trees will need to be cleared from the 1-½ acres but the 50' buffer around the perimeter will remain intact except for the entrance. Four existing trees need to be removed and will be replaced with White Pine after construction is completed. Width of construction road is 16'; slope is ¾% at the beginning. Mr. Capron expressed concern that clearing this area would allow for an expansion of the housing project. Mr. Harvey (owner) explained that because the lot in question is not part of the current development a site plan would have to be presented for approval. He also stated his future desire to develop this land as zoned for Rt.28. Ms. Linowes suggested that the access road for the development could also be the development road to minimize clearing and blasting issues and that construction sequencing could eliminate the need for a staging site. Mr. Maynard stated that while Ms. Linowes' suggestion would require less blasting, NHDOT, and Mr. Turner would not allow for a road access in that location due to the intersection demands with Green Mountain Road. Blasting the 10-16 foot elevation to get to the sub base requires space to a large amount of room to store and process the rock that will be used for road bed and house foundation construction. Bissell Camp Road will be 24' wide and encroaches on the wetland for 1500 sq ft. After construction the area will be loamed and seeded. As far as sequencing was concerned, all the homes will be built simultaneously.

On review of the housing project itself, rocks will be placed along the edge of the WWPD, 4-5' in between, so that it will be protected from construction. Wells still need 48-hour test for volume. Currently the 50' deep wells are pumping at 100-125 gpm. Water pipe from wells to pump house will be in the WWPD and will require trenching. Internal pedestrian trail, 6-10' wide, included plans for a gazebo in the WWPD. The commission suggested that no more than benches be placed in the WWPD.

The commission recommended the following:

  • Remove the gazebo from the proposed plan to be replaced by no more than benches.
  • Note concern to Planning Board and Selectman over clear cutting and the loss of natural resources for stock piling and construction staging. Commission did not want a precedent to be set for future construction projects.
  • Note concern for the destruction of natural ledge when natural grade across from Green Mountain is available.
  • The Commission felt that Bissell Camp Road is ill placed and the development and the natural resources would be better served by moving the road to the construction entrance.
  • The disturbance in the WWPD for trenching for the water line needs to be hay bailed and silt fenced from construction to restoration.
  • Suggest the community well be tested for Radon. If no baseline exists in NH, please look to other states for baseline.
  • Flag buffer limits so they are not violated during clear cutting and stockpiling.
  • Request for a public pedestrian right-of-way along Flat Rock Brook in the NW section of the property

Case 3. Lot #11-A-161
8 Ledge Rd.

Postpone discussion until May 1 site walk with Planning Board.

Case 4. Lot 13-C-1 and 7-B-5
52 Searles Road/Sam Nassar Subdivision Plan
Presenter: Mr. Peter Zohdi of Herbert Associates

Preliminary review of new subdivision plans and Dredge& Fill permit for 1171 sq ft. of ditch along Gov. Dinsmore Road. The subdivision plans show 16 homes off two roads, Gov. Dinsmore and Mackintosh. Most discussion surrounded Lot#13-C-11 which is accessed by a long driveway off Stonhedge Rd. The driveway is 28' long and planned totally in the WWPD. The presenter stated that zoning allows for a crossing in the WWPD. Mr. Capron and the commission told Mr. Zohdi that the intent of the ordinance was to allow a reasonable crossing for access to a buildable lot not to provide for an extended driveway through WWPD to reach the only buildable area in that section of the development. Commission asked if the house could have access off Mackintosh Rd. After reviewing the plan the Commission offered the following suggestions:

  • Mackintosh Road should be sized to the width of the existing Gov. Dinsmore, which is 20'
  • Lot#13-C-11 is located on the edge of the WWPD and driveway access would require a 28' dredge and fill in a WWPD. Commission would not support a Dredge & Fill of this magnitude.
  • Lot#13-C-11 has the home placed too close to the WWPD
  • Lot#13-C-9 should be placed closer to the road
  • Lot#13-C-12 has the house placed within the recommended 50' construction setback along the WWPD on 3 corners. The 50' setback allows access for construction vehicles without infringing on the WWPD.
  • Pesticide test should be conducted on the soils due to years of use in agriculture.
  • Pedestrian easement is requested along double stonewall in order to link Rockingham Trail to Old Gov. Dinsmore Rd.
  • Stonewall preservation where road is proposed. If stones need to be removed for access purposes they should be piled on the side of the road to be used for stonewall repair or appropriate placement on the property.
  • Reduce the size of the cul-de-sac circle from 80' to a circle that is appropriate to a 20-24' circle.
  • Commission is concerned about the proposed use due to the proximity to the Aquifer Protection District.
  • Recommend 50 year flood test due to excessive flooding along Rt.28

The Conservation Commission will discuss other issues after Planning Commission's Public Hearing.

Case 5. Rogers Garage Lot 13-B-1
Presenter: Heather Storlazzi-Ward

Members of the commission walked the property on April 22, 2002. This property is described as a valuable flood storage area along Rt. 28 and the last recharge area for water before the Salem city limits. Wetlands and wildlife exist on the property even though septics from past use are violating the wetland. 19 parking spaces are placed in WWPD. There are two existing roads that cross the wetlands and both are represented on the site plan, one paved to the south and gravel to the north. The gravel road will require 410 sq. ft. for the Dredge & Fill permit with 330 in length and 80 side slopes, existing culvert is 12". Current well is shared with abutting home. Road will be curbed and parking lot runoff will be directed to the holding basin. The property will be used for auto repair and maintenance. Failed septic system from former motel will be cleaned up. The Commission suggested the following:

  • The owner needs to provide for wreck and auto parking in a way that prevents fluids from draining into the wetland. Where will wrecks and cars for maintenance be parked?
  • Parking lot is currently placed in WWPD. The commission would like the parking area moved to the NE side of the property
  • Oil Pump separator/grease trap needs to be piped out into a treatment swale
  • Wetland is flagged but WWPD needs to be marked on parking lot to allow for construction perspective.
  • Asphalt areas removed need to be seeded with wetland seed mix.
  • Where will snow removal piles be placed? Commission is concerned about runoff to wetland.
  • No salt used on parking lot and driveways due to close proximity to wetland.
  • Failed septic system is to be cleaned up.

Church Road Culvert Replacement
Dredge & Fill
Presenter: Robert Phillips - Senior Project Engineer

The existing culvert under Church Road is under capacity. It is located in a flood zone and Aquifer Protection District. Culvert is designed for 50-year storm and designed to eliminate detention upstream. Historic Church Road culvert is to be preserved. Grass panel at inlet for pedestrian use. Rip-rap from wing walls, with loam and seed behind the wing walls. Rip-rap is necessary to prevent undermining of the road/culvert foundation. The culvert will be replaced with Conspan Archway 36'- 48' Sandbag construction will be designed to allow for the environmentally responsive water diversion during construction. 1500' of temporary impact over a 2-week period with no traffic disruption due to the proximity to Senior Housing. Worksite will be placed across Indian Rock Road behind Nesmith Library. Construction will take place in low-flow water months between August and September. Mr. Phillips requested a Dredge & Fill letter of support be sent to the state. Mr. Capron moved approval and Ms. Linowes seconded the motion. Passed Commission unanimously.

Request for reimbursement for Dianna Fallon in the amount of $34.00 for copying and laminating 4 wetland fine signs for Foster's Pond. Commission approved expenditure.

Zoning Board Applications

Lot #1-C-1307, Case #13-2002
171 Londonderry Road - Pool

Not in an environmentally sensitive area or WWPD/ no comments from Conservation Commission.

Lot #13-K-32, Case #14-2002
27 Doiron Road - Addition

This property is in close proximity to Shadow Lake. Plans submitted did not provide topographical or wetland/WWPD designations. The Commission requested that the Board of Adjustments not act on this case until the above-mentioned information is provided to the Conservation Commission.

Lot #8-B-4400, Case #15-2002
Windham Animal Hospital - 8 Libbey Road - Addition

Not in an environmentally sensitive area or WWPD/ no comments from Conservation Commission.

Lot #22-A-50, Case #16-2002
19 Birchwood Road - Addition

The Commission suggested that the town require pictures in the future from applicants. Not in environmental sensitive area or WWPD/ no comments from Conservation Commission.

Ledge Road
A site walk is scheduled for May 1, 2002 with the Planning Board. First analysis of the proposed project seems to be a gross overuse of the site due to proximity to WWPD and a significant wetland area. Commission is particularly concerned about storage of asphalt and other road hazard/construction material. More comments after site walk.


  1. Letter from Killam Associates, Consulting Engineers regarding proposed work - Tennessee Gas Pipeline - installation of an 8" launcher for Nashua Delivery Line. (Note - Per instructions letter given to Al Turner on May 1, 2002)
  2. Letter from The Cobbetts Pond Committee regarding a concrete dock.
  3. Letter from DES regarding Church Road
  4. Letter from DES regarding H&B Homes
  5. Letter from DES Wetlands Bureau acknowledging receipt of a report by the Conservation Commission for H&B Homes

Mr. Capron moved adjournment. Ms. Linowes seconded. Meeting adjourned at 11:32 P.M.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on May 9, 2002 at 7:30 PM in the meeting room at the Planning & Development Office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval by Dianna Fallon.

Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved 06/27/2002