Conservation Committee
April 11, 2002

James Finn - Chairman
Tom Seniow - Vice-Chairman (Absent)
Christie Davis - Secretary
Gerry Capron - Member
Cherie Howell - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member
Pamela Skinner - Member
Dianna Fallon - Alternate
Theresa Lucas - Alternate (Absent)
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate
Also in attendance Rick Adams, alternate member waiting appointment by Selectman.

Mr. Capron motioned to accept the March 28, 2002 minutes. Ms. Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Kiddie Academy - Planning Board Plan
After hearing the presentation given by Stefan Toth of Keach- Nordstrom Associates, Inc. the Commission scheduled a site walk for Sunday April 14, 2002 at 10:30 AM. The Chairman took the plans to use during the site walk. The Commission will have comments for the Planning Board after the site walk.

Lot #25-R-103, Case #10-2002 ZBA Application
After reviewing the plan for 10 Osgood Street the Commission had the following comments:

  • This is a large wetland system.
  • No hardship, this parcel can still be developed without disturbing the wetlands.

Lot #22-L-50, Case #11-2002 ZBA Application
The Commission had no comments regarding the plan for 30 West Shore Road.

Lot #16-R-181, Case #12-2002 ZBA Application
After reviewing the plan for 31 First Street the Commission said that it is unclear if any sensitive land is an issue.

P&S Realty - Planning Board Plan
The Conservation Commission previously reviewed a Dredge & Fill Application (February14, 2002) for this site. We were opposed to the application whose only purpose is to gain an additional building lot. We do not approve this portion of the plan.

Other Business
At the request of Mr. Jim Giardina the Commission scheduled a site walk of 6 Bradford Street for Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 1l:00 AM.

Mrs. Howell motioned to reimburse Mrs. Fallon $35.00 for the Landscapes & People Conference. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Davis motioned to reimburse Mrs. Howell $6.00 for the purchase of signs for the Castle Reach Conservation Easement. Mr. Capron seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Howell motioned to reimburse Mr. McLeod $48.50 for the monitoring of the Landry Conservation Easement.

Mrs. Fallon talked about Earth Day and the clean up of Deer Leap and Fosters Pond. The Commission scheduled an Earth Day clean up and walk of the Landry Easement for April 21, 2002. Mrs. Fallon advised the Commission that she spoke to the Windham Police Department regarding the damage caused by ATV's at Fosters Pond. The Police Department would stop an ATV at the Point of Entry but after the vehicle has entered the trail it falls under the jurisdiction of the Fish & Game Department.

Mrs. Fallon advised the Members that Eastern Mountain Sports would join the Conservation Commission for Trails Day on June 1, 2002. Activities tentatively scheduled are compass instruction and a Kayak demonstration.

The Members discussed at length the information they will be providing in the form of a letter to the Department of Transportation prior to the submission of the Selectmen's proposal for I-93 mitigation.


  1. Letter dated April 9, 2002 from the DOT Bureau of Materials and Research regarding the Route 111 Bypass. This letter is notification of a phase of the work that involves exploratory geotechnical boring made with drilling rigs working in a raft in a man-made pond adjacent to Flatrock Brook. These borings are for the design of a bridge pier which is to be located in the pond.
  2. Spring 2002 Issue of Conservation News.
  3. Book by Patrick Moore, founder of Green Peace, from Greenleaf Products, Inc. of West Ossipee, NH.
  4. Letter dated March 25, 2002 from Jennifer McCourt of Keach-Nordstrom Associates, Inc. Enclosed a site plan for Kiddie Academy, 156 Haverhill Road.
  5. April 2002 Issue of RPC News & Notes.
  6. Letter dated April 5, 2002 from the NHDES regarding 12 Sheffield Street. Incomplete Minimum Impact Expedited Application.
  7. Letter dated April 2, 2002 from Senator Judd Gregg regarding the Mitchell Pond project and mitigation funding associated with the I-93 expansion.
  8. Letter dated March 28, 2002 from Mary Devlin, Meredith Hanson, and Katherine Lacharite regarding the damage being done to the Fosters Pond Natural Area by ATV's

Mrs. Howell motioned to adjourn at 9:45 PM. Mrs. Davis seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on April 25, 2002 at 7:30 PM in the meeting room at the Planning & Development Office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval by Patricia Kovolyan.

Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved 05/19/2002