Conservation Committee
March 28, 2002

James Finn - Chairman
Tom Seniow - Vice-Chairman
Christie Davis - Secretary (Excused)
Gerry Capron - Member
Cherie Howell - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member (Excused)
Pamela Skinner - Member
Dianna Fallon - Alternate
Theresa Lucas - Alternate (Excused)
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate (Excused)

Rick Adams (alternate committee member waiting appointment by Selectman)

Mr. Capron motioned to accept the March 14, 2002 minutes. Ms. Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Bissell Camp Road -Brian Harvey
Dredge and Fill Application Change

  • Slopes are now 2/1
  • Fill area changes - 2700 to 2550, and 2400 to 1500

The Committee was pleased to see less fill, Mr. Harvey stated that the new slope would negate the need for retaining wall. An increase in units required moving the well site. Ms. Howell questioned the culvert size, and asked for an increase in overall circumference. She requested an increase from the existing 15"culvert size to 18" or 24". Mr. Harvey said he would check on the culvert size and get back to the committee. The original Dredge and Fill Permit has already been sent to the State. The State is aware of the changes and is looking for a response from the Conservation Commission after this review. Mr. Harvey checked on the culvert size that same night (March 28) and later in the meeting agreed to enlarge the culverts to 24". The Committee agreed to the changes and will send the appropriate form to the state.

  • Culvert size change from 15" to 24"

Kiddie Academy-Jennifer McCourt (Presenter, Keach-Nordstrom Assoc.)
This project was not on the agenda. Commission agreed to review this plan due to construction schedule issues. The 3,004 square feet Day Care business is to be located on the NE corner of I28, between Haverhill Rd and Anderson Rd. Area previously clear-cut. Building will use existing driveway to minimize hard surface area. Two play areas will also be constructed outside the building footer. The developed area will have a 50' residential buffer area. Leach bed is under the parking lot and the well is on raised land. Drainage to Infiltration/Detention areas are tested for 50-year flood plane. Land regraded 240-220 gradual to brook. Construction site is in an Aquifer Protection Area zoned Neighborhood Business District, with Windsor Sand Loam soil. This plan will go to the Planning Commission on April 17th or May 1, 2002. After the Conservation Commission reviewed the plan Commission requested a site walk be scheduled. Possible combined site walk with Planning Commission.

  • · Commission requested a site walk be scheduled

Alternate Dianna Fallon was appointed to replace member Christie Davis for tonight's meeting.

Planning Board Plans
A.P. Daily Laminating, 6 Ledge Road - Mark Gross (Presenter, MHF Design Consultants)

Preliminary Plans seen at the April 26, 2001 meeting.
The presentation reviewed a 6,475 square foot addition to the existing building with 15 additional parking spaces to cover an additional 64x80' land area. The construction will increase drainage leaching basins designed for 25-year flood plane. Expansion is for current use manufacturing and storage. Building has two leach fields and the septic system application has been sent to DES. Ms. Howell requested that the existing silt fence shown on the plan be expanded to the edge of the wooded area. The owner is requesting a zoning waiver to reduce the number of additional parking spaces to the 15 mentioned above. Current zoning regulations require a total of 63 spaces. The owner proposes 38 overall spaces with the balance to be placed in reserve if building is sold or use changes. Existing open space on the project is 56%.

  • Committee will support BofA variance request for reduction of parking
  • Committee requested and developer agreed to extend the erosion control silt fence north to protect the Collins Brook natural resource from construction drainage

8:30 PM the Committee adjourned to closed meeting to consult with Bruce Klink. Motioned by Pam Skinner and Seconded by Gerry Capron. Conservation Committee resumed meeting at 9:00PM

Zoning Board Application
Case #8-2002 Lot #14-A-925, Kenneth P. and Paul D. Bergeron, 34 Mammoth Rd.
Case #9-2002 Lot #14-A-930, Kenneth P. and Paul D. Bergeron, 32Mammoth Rd.

Both lot developments were presented combined into one plan and so reviewed. The issue centered around construction of Elderly Housing, in Neighborhood Business District on a minimum of four acres of useable land but not contiguous with lot 32 Mammoth exceeding the number of units permitted. The committee addressed the following issues:

  • This Elderly Housing development is a non-permitted use in a Neighborhood Business District and is excessive use due to the topography. Overall development is extreme due to maximization and over development of buildable land within close proximity to the following natural resources: wetland sensitive areas, Aquifer Protection District, drainage to Beaver Brook.
  • The southwest drive access of lot 14-A-925 occupies a significant area with in the WWPD

Case #1-2002, Lot #3-B-271, A. Peta, 17 Bissell Camp Road
This project is not in the purview of the Conservation Commission because it deals with frontage and not WWPD or other related conservation issues.

A letter was read from Sam and Jean Nassar asking if any of their parcels are on the I-93 mitigation list. Lots B-C-1, 13-C-25, 7-B-5, 7-B-30, 8-C-300.

A letter from Linda and Cliff Straw, 57 Meeting House Rd., concerning increasing ATV use on the trails around Fosters Pond. The letter states that ATV's are not allowed on the trails and the trails need to be posted to allow police officers to stop this use. The committee felt strongly that signs did exist on the trail and if they were not there now they had been removed. Mr. Finn will check to see if the signs have been removed and if so, new ones will be posted. Confirmation of posting will be sent to the police in case the signs are removed in the future. A copy of the Straw's letter will be forwarded to NH Fish and Game.

Received a brochure/application for LANDSCAPE AND PEOPLE Conference. Committee members put their applications in the staff box or will send them into Pat. There is a discount for group applications if mailed before April 5.

Other Business
At the Wednesday, March 27, joint meeting with DOT, Planning Commission, and Selectman, it was decided that Jim Finn will be the point person from Conservation Commission for all mitigation communication. David Sullivan would like phone or conversation notes from Conservation Commission members that have had discussions with DOT about mitigation issues.

Conservation Commission is making a second request in writing for Planning Board minutes to accompany plans forwarded from the Planning Board meetings to Conservation Commission meetings.

At 9:42 PM, Jerry Capron moved to adjourn to close session to discuss grant application contacts. Pam Skinner seconded the motion. Motion to open meeting made by Ms. Howell at 9:49 PM. Seconded by Pam Skinner.

Motion to adjourn made by Gerry Capron at 9:50 PM, motioned seconded by Pam Skinner. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for April 11, 2002 at 7:30m PM in the meeting room at the Planning and Development Office.

These minutes are in draft from and are respectfully submitted for approval by Dianna Fallon.

Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved  05/19/2002