Conservation Committee
December 27, 2001

James Finn - Chairman
Tom Seniow - Vice-Chairman (Absent)
Christie Davis - Secretary (Absent)
Gerry Capron - Member (Absent)
Cherie Howell - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member
Pamela Skinner - Member
Dianna Fallon - Alternate (Absent)
Theresa Lucas - Alternate (Absent)
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate

Mrs. Linowes motioned to approve the amended December 13, 2001 minutes. Mr. Rouillard seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Carbo Subdivision
Attorney William Mason presented a three-lot subdivision for Castle Reach. A 35-acre lot on Jenny's Hill road would be subdivided. At a later time the 35-acre lot (#7-A-694) would be subdivided further to 8 lots as a conventional subdivision. This area, previously intended as open space, would have had 18 lots. The Commission questioned the lot sizes and noted that the Mitchell Pond Trail Easement was marked on the map. The Members reviewed this conceptual plan and expect it to come back after the Planning Board has reviewed it. At the next Conservation Commission meeting the Members will review the Wildlife Study and give additional comments. Mr. Mason explained that a wildlife corridor of 100 feet including the WWPD would be maintained on the 5-acre lot (#7-A-693). Mrs. Linowes asked if the wildlife corridor would be restricted as an easement. Mr. Eric Nickerson and Attorney mason said that there would be language in the deed to protect it as a wildlife corridor.

Attorney Mason Right -of-Way
Attorney Mason, representing Ken Bergeron, requested a right-of-way through town-owned conservation land (lot #24-F-1100). The client wants to build a road through town owned land and add parking improvements. There will be a 50-foot right-of-way to town land to allow the public to enjoy the conservation land. Attorney Mason asked the Commission to consider if it would benefit the town. Mr. Rouillard said that topography information as well as trail ways would be needed to evaluate the area. Members stated concerns regarding the opening up of conservation land and the possible disturbance from road building to the natural area. Attorney Mason asked if the Commission would receive a presentation regarding proposals for obtaining the right-of-way.

H&B Homes Lots 3-B-200 & 3-B-265
Create a new "loop road" 28-feet wide. Proposed 50 lots for elderly housing ages 62 and over. The applicant has been to the Planning Board twice. The Conservation Commission will join the Planning Board for a site walk on January 5, 2002 at 9:00 AM at Bissell Camp Road.

H&B Homes - Dredge & Fill
The Commission received an application for a Dredge & Fill on lots 30B-200 & 3-B-265. The Dredge & Fill will be reviewed at the next meeting after the January 5, 2002 site walk.

Lamplighter Village
The Commission recommended that the private way at Lamplighter Village should be narrower than 24 feet. The Commission agrees that an 18-foot wide private way is appropriate.

Other Business

  • Workshop with the Planning Board scheduled for January 23, 2002.
  • 8:45 PM Conservation Lands Subcommittee Meeting was held in closed session. Ended at 10:10 PM.
  • Mrs. Howell motioned to spend $166.26 on pressure treated timbers to repair the bridge at the Landry Conservation Easement. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.


  • Plan NH - Design Assistance for Local Projects
  • Letter from DiFruscia Law Offices dated 12/18/01 - Multi Unit Development

Miss Skinner motioned to adjourn at 10:15 PM. Mr. Rouillard seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on January 10, 2002 at 7:30 PM in the meeting room at the Planning & Development Office.

These minutes are in draft form and were taken by Cherie Howell and Pamela Skinner and transcribed by Patricia Kovolyan.

Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved 04/04/2002