Conservation Committee
December 13, 2001

James Finn - Chairman
Tom Seniow - Vice-Chairman
Christie Davis - Secretary
Gerry Capron - Member
Cherie Howell - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member
Pamela Skinner - Member
Dianna Fallon - Alternate
Theresa Lucas - Alternate
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate

Mr. Capron motioned to approve the November 8, 2001 minutes. Mrs. Howell seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Lamplighter Village
Maurice Caruso of A&M Builders and Ron Pica of R.J. Pica Engineering presented their plans. Mr. Pica explained that they plan to renovate the existing road because it floods during certain times of the year. Erosion control for the entire area will be provided. Mr. Pica said that they intend to use the two existing 36" culverts and install two box culverts. There is a low area causing water to go up over the road. A sub-surface drainage system will be installed. The runoff will go through treatment swales before it reaches the wetland. There will be a head wall (also referred to as a retaining wall) on both sides of the road and two 24' X 5' culverts. Silt fencing and hay bales will be used for erosion control. The Shoreline Protection Act has been maintained. Mr. Caruso informed the Members that he would be making a presentation of a conservation easement to the town at an upcoming Planning Board meeting. Lamplighter Village will consist of 60 condominium units.

Sheffield Street Community Well
Mr. Aspinwall of Herbert Associates presented this plan. Mr. Aspinwall explained that at least 1/2 dozen wells are dry in the Sheffield Street area. Mr. Aspinwall explained to the Members that the installation of three wells would be adequate to serve the subdivision. A pump house is necessary to install water lines that will go through the WWPD. This will require some trenching through the WWPD. After listening to the plan submitted the Conservation Commission had the following requests:

  • Would like to see pump house grading and trench detail.
  • Request that the northern most well line be re-directed to stay outside of the WWPD.

A site walk was scheduled for Saturday December 15, 2001 at 9:15 AM.

Nassar 17 Lot Subdivision
Mr. Sam Nassar presented his preliminary plan to the Commission. Mr. Nassar said that there would be 16 building lots. The paved road will be 20 feet wide to the cul-de-sac. All drainage will go into catch basins at the ditch line. The existing ditch line would remain. Mrs. Howell asked if the Apple trees could be kept on the lots. Mrs. Nassar responded that fruit trees do not have a long life especially if they are not sprayed etc. Mr. Nassar presented his conservation plan that is sensitive to the WWPD.

Other Business
Mrs. Howell motioned to reimburse Lisa Linowes and Theresa Lucas $23.00 each for the NHACC meeting fee. Mrs. Davis seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Howell motioned to reimburse Mrs. Fallon $11.65 for the mailing of the LCHIP Grant. Mrs. Davis seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Fallon motioned to spend $34.00 for the purchase of (2) Open Space in New Hampshire books ($15.00 per book, $3.00 shipping & handling for the first copy, $1.00 shipping & handling for the second copy). Mrs. Davis seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Howell motioned to spend $60.00 for the membership renewal contribution to the Society for the Protection of NH Forests. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Howell informed the Members that she attended the I-93 Meeting and there will be another meeting in February that she would like to see all of the Conservation Commission Members attend. Top three wetland mitigation sites:

  • Castle Reach
  • Beaver Brook Corridor
  • South East Lands

Landry Property
Mrs. Howell walked the Heritage Hill Road access to the Landry property with Mrs. Noyles in order to bring closure to the infringement issues. Mrs. Howell will write a letter regarding the recommendations to re-seed part of the trail and to consider putting up a gate on the road. Mrs. Howell asked if the Conservation Commission would spend money to have someone move boulders on the Landry property. Mrs. Howell motioned to spend some trail money to construct a bridge at the Landry property (to be built by Mrs. Noyles brother). Mrs. Davis seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Lamplighter Village
Mrs. Linowes would like the private way at Lamplighter to be narrower than 24 feet. Mrs. Linowes said that she would like the Conservation Commission to support an 18 foot wide private way. The Commission agreed that an 18-foot wide private way would be appropriate.


  • Society for the Protection of NH forests - Membership renewal
  • Workshop - Identifying & Protecting NH Wildlife Habitat
  • Seminar - Future Development trends and what they mean for the region
  • NH DOT - Route 111 Bypass and associated roadways, Project 10075, Geotechnical Field Explorations
  • An invitation from Jack Szemplinski of Benchmark Engineering, Inc. to take part in a site walk of lots 3-B-200 and 3-B-365, Route 28 (off of discontinued Bissell Camp Road).

Mrs. Davis motioned to adjourn at 10:57 PM. Mrs. Linowes seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on December 27, 2001 at 7:30 PM in the meeting room at the Planning & Development Office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval by Patricia Kovolyan.

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