Conservation Committee
August 23, 2001

James Finn - Chairman
Tom Seniow - Vice-Chairman
Christie Davis - Secretary (Excused)
Gerry Capron - Member
Cherie Howell - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member
Pamela Skinner - Member (Absent)
Dianna Fallon - Alternate (Excused)
Theresa Lucas - Alternate (Excused)
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate

Mr. Seniow motioned to accept the amended August 9, 2001 minutes. Mrs. Linowes seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Windham Presbyterian Church - Minimum Impact Dredge & Fill
Mr. Steven Keach of Keach Nordstrom Associates presented the Windham Presbyterian Church plan with some of the changes that were requested at the August 9, 2001 meeting. Ten paved parking spaces have been removed from the plan and the treatment swale is the entire length of the back parking lot. The Members had a lengthy discussion with Mr. Keach regarding pavers. Pavers can have a partially permeable function to them and can allow 17 to 45% of the water to penetrate the soil. Mr. Keach explained that his plan to dig out the area, use crushed stone, on top of the stone would be a non-woven fabric (does not deteriorate and also serves as a filter) and on top of the fabric would be 4" of loam would allow at least 75% or more of the water to enter the ground. This system would not have the problems that certain pavers could have with freezing, thawing and plowing. Neither salt nor sand are used on the church parking lot. No one knew if sand or salt is used on the parking lot at Windham Terrace. The impact to the wetland will be less than 2000 square feet. Mr. Seniow motioned to recommend that the Dredge & Fill be signed. Mr. Capron seconded the motion. Mr. Seniow withdrew his motion. Mr. Seniow made a motion to allow the Chairman to sign the Dredge & Fill application if the Engineer changes the road size to 20 feet. Mr. Capron seconded the motion. Mr. Seniow withdrew his motion. Mrs. Linowes said that she would like to see the fire lane reduced to 18 feet. Mr. Seniow motioned that the Commission request that the Dredge & Fill be minimal and to permit a fire lane access only if it is required for property approval. Mrs. Howell seconded the motion. Mr. Finn, Mrs. Howell, Mr. Rouillard, Mr. Seniow and Mrs. Linowes voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Capron voted to oppose the motion. Motion passed 5-1. Mr. Finn will write a letter to accompany the Dredge & Fill application.

Ellen Field Apartments
After reviewing the information the Commission had the following recommendations:

  • Insufficient information provided.
  • Would like to see grading for proposed leach field and soil delineation.

Stolarz Subdivision
After reviewing this plan the Commission had the following recommendations:

  • Soils mapping is necessary to properly evaluate this plan.
  • Upon preliminary viewing we question if lot #25-R-102 is a viable building lot.
  • Woods road/trail near proposed house on lot #25-R-103 is not indicated. Trail leads to old cellar hole.

Blanchard Subdivision
After reviewing the conceptual plans the Commission had the following recommendations:

  • Soils mapping (HISS) is necessary.
  • Please provide evidence that this sixteen-lot subdivision is justified.
  • Topographical information is required.

Windham Auto Sales
After reviewing the plans the Commission had the following recommendations:

  • Plan is incomplete regarding potential impact to site.
  • Lack of soils information.
  • No grading information.
  • We would be reluctant to consider any further expansion to this site.

Other Business
The Chairman will write a letter to David Sullivan, Town Administrator, regarding the proposed Land Swap of lots 16-P-1004 + 1011.

Mrs. Linowes advised the Commission of the Planning Board's support of the Board of Selectman's request for a re-hearing regarding the Beneze pool variance. The Conservation Commission will write a memo in favor of the Board of Selectman's request for a re-hearing.

Mr. Capron motioned to reimburse Mr. Rouillard $47.18 for the purchase of building material for bridge construction. Mr. Seniow seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Rouillard motioned that a letter be sent to the Dickie Family thanking them for their organizational efforts. Mr. Capron seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. Mr. Rouillard will write this letter.


  • Letter from Al Turner to the Board of Selectman regarding land swap on 4th Street.
  • Letter from DES - Location Netherwood Road.
  • Wetlands Bureau Decision Report - Unnamed Wetland Windham NH Development Co., LLC
  • Conservation News Bulletin - Workshop Schedule
  • Letter from DES - Proposed rules regarding docks located over rivers and streams.
  • From the USDA - Farm Service Agency County Directory.
  • Summer 2001 LCHIP Newsletter.
  • NH Association of Conservation Commission - Fall 2001 Community Workshop Schedule.

Mr. Seniow motioned to adjourn at 10:40 PM. Mrs. Linowes seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on September 13, 2001 at 7:30 PM at the Planning & Development Office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval by Patricia Kovolyan.

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