Conservation Committee
May 24, 2001

Cherie Howell - Chair
Tom Seniow - Vice-Chair
Christie Davis - Secretary
James Finn - Member
Gerry Capron - Member (Excused)
Pamela Skinner - Member
Lisa Linowes - Alternate
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate

The Chairman appointed Mr. Rouillard to replace Mr. Capron for this meeting.

Miss Skinner made a motion to accept the amended May 10, 2001 minutes. Mr. Rouillard seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Devon Farmer
Devon Farmer, Boy Scout, advised the Commission of his plans to clear a trail on Bear Hill Road to Gage Lands. There will be a 4-foot clearance and two signs one at the beginning and one at the end of the trail. The signs will be brown with gold lettering. This project will be completed before June 21, 2001. Also presented to the Members was a diagram of a bridge that will be 4 feet X 8 feet. Mrs. Linowes suggested that the sign read Trail to the Gage Lands rather than Easement to the Gage Lands.

Bear Hill Extension Site Walk
Mrs. Linowes advised the Members that the Planning Board turned down the request by the Builder because he was not able to secure the land. There are 12 acres available that abuts conservation land. The Members discussed two options for the right-of-way; one would be at the end of the development along the stonewall and join to Gage Lands or keep it the way it is and make it a deeded conservation parcel. Mr. Seniow made a motion that the Conservation Commission recommend the 950 foot easement including the adjacent triangular piece along lot 20-E-144 from the proposed Road northwest to Gage Lands be deeded to a third party trust. Mr. Finn seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Trails Sub-Committee
Wayne Morris and Tim Schreiner met with the Members to discuss trails. Mr. Morris said that there are a couple of trail right-of-ways that need to be surveyed. Mr. Seniow mentioned using a marble marker for trail identification that would be flush with the ground and less obtrusive. Mr. Rouillard thought that a cedar post would be a better marker. Mrs. Howell said that a marker close to the ground would be difficult to see. Mr. Morris advised the Members that the trails map is now on the website. Mr. Morris said that Mr. Turner, Director of Planning & Development, would advise Mr. Peter Zohdi of Herbert Associates, to mark easements. Mr. Morris said that they do not want an easement to be a surprise to the landowner. Mr. Morris advised the Members of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation's 10% Transportation Enhancement Program. It is a two-year funding cycle, which starts now. There is a lot of competition for this money. The local community is required to pay 20%. A discussion took place regarding the paving of the railroad bed from Manchester to Salem. Mr. Morris suggested that a natural resources student could be hired to overlook Conservation interests. Mr. Rouillard asked who would direct the student. Mr. Morris said that the Planning Department could direct the student. It was stated by Mr. Rouillard that conservation is one of the Planning Department's mandated duties.

Other Business
Mrs. Howell reported on her meeting with the Selectmen regarding a contribution from the Conservation Commission's fund for the acquisition of Castle Reach. The Selectmen thought it was premature to discuss the contribution right now given that the DOT negotiations with the landowner have not yet taken place.

Both Mr. Seniow and Mr. Finn will write letters to the N.H. State Senate regarding the possibility of the cutting of LCHIP funds.


  • Postcard from Comprehensive Environmental Inc. - assistance and solutions to problems like water supply shortages wastewater infiltration, etc.
  • NHDES - Letter regarding extension to site-specific permit - Lamplighter Village.
  • NHDES - Wetlands Bureau Complaint File #2001-00785, 17 Netherwood Road.
  • NHDES - Acknowledgement of report, File #2000-02219, Griffin Park.
  • NHDES - Acknowledgement of receipt of application, File #2000-02219, Griffin Park, Lot #22-R-900.
  • Citizens for NH Land & Community Heritage - Senate considering cutting LCHIP.

Mr. Finn made a motion to adjourn at 9:27 PM. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on June 14, 2001 at 7:30 PM at the Planning & Development Office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval by Patricia Kovolyan.

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