Conservation Committee
April 26, 2001

Cherie Howell - Chair
Tom Seniow - Vice-Chair
Christie Davis - Secretary (Absent)
James Finn - Member
Gerry Capron - Member
Betsy Carlson - Member (Absent)
Pamela Skinner - Member (Absent)
Ross McLeod - Alternate
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate

Mrs. Howell appointed Mr. McLeod to replace Mrs. Davis and Mr. Rouillard to replace Mrs. Carlson for this meeting.

Mr. Rouillard made a motion to accept the April 12th minutes. Mr. Capron seconded the motion.

Griffin Park - Dredge & Fill After the Fact Permit File #2000-02219
Mr. Jim Gove of Gove Environmental advised the Commission that an estimated 15,000 square feet of wetlands at the Griffin Park site have been impacted. The 15,000 square feet is a determination made by a Forester during an intent to cut that was filed with DES. Mr. Gove tried to verify if the subject wetlands existed but was unsuccessful. Mr. Gove's recommendation to the town is to assume that the wetlands did exist. Because of the impact to the 15,000 square feet of wetlands, the Wetlands Bureau is requiring a 20:1 ratio to mitigate the wetlands fill, equaling approximately 7 acres. There will be a standard Conservation Easement Deed for an 8.15 acres within the Griffin Park natural area. The Town of Windham will be the Grantor and the Conservation Commission will be the Grantee. Mr. Rouillard made a motion to send a letter to the Wetlands Bureau stating that the Conservation Commission heard the application for File #2000-02219 and they accept the resolution. Mr. McLeod seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. Mr. Rouillard will review the easement and will forward his comments on to David Sullivan, Town Administrator.

Daily Laminating Corp. Addition - Planning Board Plans
The Commission reviewed the submitted plans. At this time the Commission does not take immediate issue with the plans dated February 23, 2001, but the Commission does expect that more substantial plans will be submitted including drainage and erosion controls, etc.

Bear Hill Road Extension - Planning Board Plans
After reviewing the submitted plans the Conservation Commission had the following comments:

  • There are two lots within the Aquifer Protection District (size should be reviewed)
  • Lot #20-E-250 - Should check size of the pond to see if WWPD.
  • Evaluate if there is connectivity between two wetlands on lots 20-E-286, 20-E-285, 20-E-284
  • Question WWPD delineation on 20-E-276. Request topography and wetland information for adjacent lots off site (20-E-144 + 20-E-350) in order to verify WWPD delineation.
  • During the scheduled May 12th walk with the Planning Board we will look closely at the proposed ROW with respect to location, lot placement and width.

Zoning Board Application 16-P-500 + 195 (16-2001)
The Commission reviewed this request for a variance and has the following comments.

  • Development on this undersized lot makes an additional negative impact on the already stressed Cobbetts Pond water quality.

Other Business
Put a notice in the Windham Independent regarding the opening for an alternate member of the Conservation Commission.

Castle Reach
Mr. Capron made a motion to contribute some of the Conservation Commission's fund for the acquisition of Castle Reach. Mrs. Howell seconded the motion.

The Commission will send a letter to the DOT, with a cover memo to the Selectmen regarding the contribution.


  • NHDES Letter dated March 30th - Drinking Water Source Assessment Reports.
  • NHDES Letter dated April 10th - Complaint File 2001-00560, 47 First Street.
  • NHDES Letter dated April 17th - Complaint File 2000-00688, 7 Old Mill Road
  • Rockingham Planning Commission - Third Annual Bike & Walk on May 24th.
  • Town of Chester Conservation Commission - Vernal Pools Workshop on April 28th.
  • UNH Cooperative Extension - Courses available on Soils, Water Quality, Wetland, Wildlife, Land Use Planning etc.

Mr. Seniow made a motion to adjourn at 9:35 PM. Mr. McLeod seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on May 10, 2001 at 7:30 PM in the Town Hall.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval by Patricia Kovolyan.

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