Conservation Committee
April 12, 2001

Cherie Howell - Chair
Tom Seniow - Vice-Chair (Excused)
Christie Davis - Secretary (Excused)
James Finn - Member
Gerry Capron - Member
Pamela Skinner - Member (Excused)
Ross McLeod - Alternate (Excused)
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate (Late)

Mrs. Howell advised the Members that she would like to define the rolls and responsibilities of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the Conservation Commission.

Mrs. Carlson made a motion to accept the March 22nd minutes. Mr. Finn seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. Mr. Capron abstained from voting since he did not attend the March 22nd meeting.

Castle Reach - Planning Board Plans
Mr. Craig Francisco of Bedford Design advised the Members that they need to schedule a walk for Phase III. Mr. Francisco would like the walk to take place before the May 2nd Planning Board meeting. The site walk for Phase III of the Castle Reach Subdivision is scheduled for Saturday, April 21st at 9:00 AM. Mr. Francisco and the Members will meet at Hancock Road.

Zoning Board Application -17-L-91A (10-2001)
33 Sawyer Road
The Conservation Commission reviewed this request for a variance and have the following comments:

  • The construction of the deck appears to be within the 50 foot setback required by the NH Shoreland Protection Act.

Zoning Board Application 21-H-7 (11-2001)
5 Lake Shore Road
The Conservation Commission reviewed this request for a variance and have the following comments:

  • The construction of the porch / deck appears to encroach the 50 foot setback of the normal high water mark, according to the NH Shoreland Protection Act and RSA 483-B:9, II (B).

Zoning Board Application 21-K-31 (12-2001)
62 Turtle Rock Road
The Conservation Commission reviewed this request for a variance and have the following comments:

  • The application does not include enough information for us to review the proposed expansion with respect to geographical features including the shoreland. Dimension lines are needed to indicate setback from Cobbett's Pond.

Zoning Board Application 21-K-22 (13-2001)
158 Range Road
After reviewing the application for a variance the Conservation Commission had no comments.

Zoning Board Application 1-B-1076 (14-2001)
4 Glenwood Road
After reviewing the application for a variance the Conservation Commission had no comments.


  • Office of State Planning Stewardship on the 54.2 acres of conservation land.
  • Memo from David Sullivan regarding lease agreement of lot 21-W-2.
  • Memo from Herbert & Associates requesting to be on the April 26th agenda.
  • Letter from the NH LCHIP thanking the Commission for their application.
  • DES File 2000-00372 - 12 Sheffield Road
  • DES File 2000-689 - 197 Range Road
  • DES File 2000-01831 Netherwood Road
  • Brochure from Vortechnics Inc. regarding stormwater solutions.
  • Memo to Al Turner from the Wetlands Bureau requesting a letter from the Conservation Commission waiving intervention.

Other Business
Mrs. Carlson commented on the outstanding job Mrs. Howell did handling the LCHIP application.

Send letter to Al Turner waiving intervention for emergency procedures regarding Collins Brook on Church Road.

Send memo to the Planning Board, Selectmen and the Historic District regarding the removal of the existing bridge and the closing of Church Road.

Mrs. Howell advised the Members that the Commission needs a Chairman for the Apple Festival Booth. Mr. Capron will not be Chairman this year. Mr. Finn volunteered for the job.

Mrs. Carlson made a motion to pay the $398.00 in membership dues for the NH association of Conservation Commissions. Mr. Rouillard seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Finn made a motion to adjourn at 9:52 PM. Mrs. Carlson seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on April 26, 2001 at 7:30 PM in the Town Hall.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval by Patricia Kovolyan.

Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved 06/28/2002