Conservation Committee
March 8, 2001

Cherie Howell - Chair
Tom Seniow - Vice-Chair
Gerry Capron - Member
Betsy Carlson - Member (Absent)
Christie Davis - Member
James Finn - Member
Pamela Skinner- Member
Ross McLeod - Alternate (Excused)
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate (Excused)

Miss Skinner made a motion to accept the amended minutes from the February 22nd meeting. Mr. Seniow seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. Mr. Seniow made a motion to accept the minutes from the February 8th meeting. Mr. Capron seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The site walk took place on March 3, 2001. Those attending were Craig Francisco of Bedford Design, Cherie Howell, Christie Davis and James Finn.

Type of Plan: Planning Board
Location: Northeast Windham, Off Searles Road, Abuts I-93
Wetland Types: Perennial Stream, Seasonal Stream, Lake, Emergent Marsh, Forested
Water Quality: Excellent
Wildlife: Many sets of tracks. Deer, rabbit, snow hare, squirrel, possibly fox, heron rookery, fisher cat. Saw beaver dams and two deer.
Hydrology: Many wetlands and streams feeding into Mitchell Pond
Aesthetics: Scenic, recreational value, wildlife habitat corridors
Uniqueness: Large unfragmented land parcel, habitat corridors, Mitchell Pond

The following recommendations should accompany those submitted to the Planning Board from the plan review. Walked the roads to end of the cul-de-sac. Walked trail easement to Mitchell Pond. Visited Heron Rookery & Wilson Dam.

  • At the end of Jenny's Hill Road (lots 702 & 703 not 701 & 702) relocate the drainage easement to next lot line to preserve hemlock grove and designate no cut buffer between lots 701 + 702.
  • Add stone wall to map.
  • This area is a beautiful natural place. Wetlands are pristine. Mitchell Pond is a Great Pond. We saw people and their pets using proposed O.S. area (current recreational use).

The Commission reviewed the Planning Board plans as presented by Craig Francisco of Bedford Design. Mr. Francisco noted that these plans were submitted to the Planning Staff on March 2, 2001.

  • On lots where WWPD (7-A-693) is on the property, the builders need to have the WWPD re-flagged before an occupancy permit is issued.
  • Drainage easement at the end of Jenny's Hill Road should be relocated to between lots 702 & 703 to avoid the Hemlock Grove. In addition the Hemlock Grove will be made into an open space area.
  • The Commission requests an additional trail easement through the open space area (redirecting part of the extensive woods road). This could be done by a brush hog on lots 7-A-18, 19, 20 & 21 as suggested by Mr. Francisco (loop to future PH 3 Road).

Review the proposal at the March 12th Selectmans Meeting. A site walk is scheduled for March 15, 2001 at 9:00 AM with the Department of Transportation Coordinator. We will meet at the end of Hancock Road.

Zoning Board Application 13-J-4 (3-2001) 4 Dow Road
The Conservation Commission reviewed this request for a variance and have the following comments:

  • WWPD or other shoreline protection area is not indicated on this plan and it should be.
  • Since the existing house is only 30 feet from the shore of Shadow Lake, the existing house and proposed foundation expansion are obviously within a watershed shoreline protection area.
  • If the proposed house expansion was within the existing footprint, the Conservation Commission would have no objections. But since the proposal involves an increase in foundation area within a water protection district the Conservation Commission objects to granting this variance.

Zoning Board Application 18-L-379 (5-2001) 42 Woodvue Road
After reviewing this request for a variance the Conservation Commission has no comments.

Zoning Board Application 16-R-183B (6-2001) 27 First Street
After reviewing this request for a variance the Conservation Commission has no comments.

Zoning Board Application 25-G-170 + 138 (7-2001) 27 Emerson Road
The Conservation Commission reviewed this request for a variance and has the following comments:

  • The proposed house appears to be approximately 60 feet from the water on Rock Pond. It is likely that this is within the shoreline protection district. For this reason the Conservation Commission objects to this proposed variance.

Other Business
Debbie Waters of the Pelham Conservation Commission advised us of a possible joint meeting at the end of April regarding climate change.


  • NH Land & Community Heritage Investment Program Letter stating that the Conservation Commission is eligible to apply for LCHIP funds.
  • Memo from Al Turner regarding site walk scheduled for March 24th at 8:00 AM at 23 Birchwood Road AKA Ballard Subdivision. Members will meet at the cul-de-sac on Rolling Ridge Road.
  • Letter from Dr. John Pesando regarding the possible swap for lot 25-R-7025.
  • Letter from Mr. Thomas A. Wilson regarding a 10 acre parcel at Windham Depot.
  • Forest Laws Workshops for Municipal Officials

Mr. Finn made a motion to adjourn at 9:55 PM. Mrs. Davis seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on March 22, 2001 at 7:30 PM in the Town Hall.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval by Patricia Kovolyan.

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