Conservation Committee
November 9, 2000


Cherie Howell - Chairman (Excused)
Tom Seniow - Vice Chairman (Excused)
Gerry Capron - Member
Betsy Carlson - Member
Christie Davis - Member (Excused)
James Finn - Member
Pamela Skinner - Member
Ross McLeod - Alternate
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate

The Members unanimously agreed that Mr. Capron would be acting chairman for this meeting. Mr. Capron appointed Mr. Rouillard and Mr. McLeod to replace Mrs. Davis and Mr. Seniow for this meeting.

Mr. McLeod made a motion to accept the amended minutes from the October 26th meeting. Mrs. Carlson seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The Members had a long discussion that focused on meeting with the Zoning Board of Adjustment, the Planning Board and the Selectman regarding receiving ZBA cases in a timely manner. Mrs. Kovolyan read the memo sent to Mr. Al Turner, Director of Planning & Development and the memo that was sent in response to the Commission from Mr. Turner. Mr. Capron said that the Conservation Commission should not be taken out of the "Loop". The Zoning Board knows the rules and should not change the rules. Mrs. Carlson said that there should be written procedure regarding the cases that go before the ZBA that would need recommendations from the Conservation Commission. Mrs. Kovolyan told the Members that after checking into this problem at the office she was told that cases had been submitted to the Conservation Commission but the previous secretary stopped this procedure because no one from Conservation ever showed up at the ZBA Meetings or just a letter was sent to ZBA and the ZBA Chairman at that time commented that he could not question a letter. Mr. McLeod mentioned that there is a lot more impact when a person goes before the Board rather then sending communication. Mr. Capron said that the Zoning Board has ample time to get the information to the Conservation Commission and that he will no longer waste his time being a Member of the Commission if the procedure is not changed. Mr. Rouillard said that there needs to be a sense of cooperation between the Commission and the ZBA. Mr. Capron said that anything that has to do with the WWPD should be seen by the Conservation Commission. Mr. Rouillard said that Mr. Bruce Flanders, Building Inspector for the town of Windham, should direct all Zoning Board Applications regarding the WWPD to the Conservation Commission

Mr. McLeod read the letter from Mrs. Howell regarding the budget. Mr. McLeod said that all the key items, trail construction, administration, miscellaneous expenses etc. match last year's budget. Mrs. Carlson made a motion to increase the amount for trails and maintenance by $1500.00. Mr. McLeod seconded the motion. After the Members discussed the "Walking in Windham" book Mrs. Carlson made a motion to request $500.00 to print additional books. Mr. Finn seconded the motion. Mr. Rouillard talked about the recently hired Assistant Planner, Mr. Eric Twarog. Mr. Rouillard thought that the Assistant Planner would have time to assist the Commission in acquiring land by making phone calls. Mr. Rouillard made a motion to increase administrative services by no more than 8 hours a month (Assistant Planner), Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Mr. Rouillard would like a resource room (possibly at the new Building Department office) so that information can be easily accessed. He would like to have meetings surrounded by all the necessary reference material. Mrs. Carlson made a motion to add $500.00 to the budget for storage, filing equipment and related items. Mr. Finn seconded the motion. Mr. Mcleod made a motion to approve the 2001 budget including additions. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Rouillard advised the Commission about the information he is sending to the New Hampshire Land Conservation Investment Program. Mr. Rouillard wrote a memo regarding his observations and recommendations for Deer Leap (copy of this memo is attached).

Mr. Rouillard mentioned that he will be sending another memo to Al Turner in response to the memo the Commission received from Mr. Turner. Miss Skinner made a motion to send Mr. Rouillard's memo to Mr. Turner. Mrs. Carlson seconded the motion.


  1. Tennessee Gas Pipeline Emergency Personnel List (Copy to Emergency Management)
  2. Memo from Al Turner regarding meeting with ZBA etc.
  3. Rockingham County Conservation District provides services that include technical expertise in engineering, stormwater design, wetlands and soil science.

Mrs. Carlson made a motion to adjourn at 9:00 PM, Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.
The next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on December 14, 2000 at 7:30 PM in the Town Hall.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval by Patricia Kovolyan.

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