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Voter Information

Please note that the polling location is WINDHAM HIGH SCHOOL. We do not have any wards at this time.  

You may register to vote any time during regular business hours at the Town Clerk's office. You must be an American citizen, and present proof thereof. A birth certificate or passport is acceptable. If you are a Naturalized citizen, you must present your naturalization papers. Proof of residency is also required. A driver’s license or utility bill would suffice.

Voter registration cannot be accepted by the Town Clerk’s office within ten (10) days prior to any election, however, the Supervisors of the Checklist sit prior to an election for new voters, change of party, etc. Their hours are posted in the local paper, and in the Town Hall. Registration can also be completed at the polls on the day of the election. For more information about Elections please visit the State's website. 


Please keep in mind you need to be a REGISTERED VOTER in order to obtain an Absentee Ballot. If you will be gone from the Town, or physically can't come to vote, then you can obtain an Absentee Ballot by submitting a request for either by faxing it, dropping it off in person, or mailing it to the Town Clerk's attention. Emailed forms will NOT be accepted. 

We can not issue ballots to anyone else but the voter themselves (not even relatives or spouses). 

The deadline for returning absentee ballots by the voter in person is 5:00 pm the day before the Election (Monday). 

We can accept Absentee ballots that are postmarked and MAILED to us, or given to us at the Election by a direct family member (bring your photo ID, and you will be required to fill out a form) up until the Election Day at 5:00pm. 

To track your absentee ballot, check your party, and more follow this link: http://app.sos.nh.gov/Public/PollingPlaceSearch.aspx

If you have anymore questions please give the office a call during business hours or feel free to email us.

Upcoming Elections:

Federal/State General Election- November 8th, 7am-8pm at Windham High School.


Attachment Size
Sample Ballot.pdf 552.23 KB
