Home | Planning Board | View: 2015 Warrant & Final Proposed Zoning Amendment Language

View: 2015 Warrant & Final Proposed Zoning Amendment Language

On January 21st the Planning Board approved the final language of the 2015 Warrant.

View: 2015 Warrant


Items to be considered: 

  1. Temporary Signs, (Section 706)-Town Warrant
  2. Excavation Ordinance (Section 707) Town Warrant
  3. Grammatical Edits (Multiple Sections)-Town Warrant
  4. Customary Home Occupation (Section  602.1.6.9) Town Warrant
  5. Impervious Surface (Sect. 609,616) Town Warrant
  6. Cellular Towers (Section 606.1.9 & 614.2.8) Town Warrant
  7. Farm Signs (Section 706) Town Warrant Draft
  8. Open Space & Landscaping (Sect 705) Town Warrant
  9. Religious Uses (Sections 200, 618.2.5, 604.1.7, 605.1.9, 612.11, 617.1.4, 608, & 618.2.5) Town Warrant
  10. Housing for Older Persons (Sect 610)-Town Warrant Draft; Final Subcommittee Minutes: 12/4; 12/6
  11. WWPD & Vernal Pool Markers (Sect. 601,716) Town Warrant
  12. Open Space Subdivision, Front Setbacks (Sect. 611.6.4.3) Town Warrant


Drafts of proposed ordinance changes, dates of workshops, and other information will be posted as it is available.
